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We want to make it easy for you to get the information you need or get involved in reform efforts. The form below will help you find an organization that works on issues with which you are concerned. And this page, "What Can I Do?" will give you tips and ideas of what you can do to get active.

Filling out the form below will connect you with the organizations most relevant to your interests.

Some groups focus on particular areas, like criminal sentencing or disease prevention, while others have very broad mandates which include virtually all aspects of drug policy reform.

To make it easier for you to find out more about these groups and how you can get involved, we have set up an automated system which will give you contact information for reform groups based on your areas of interest. It will also let reform groups know that you are concerned about their area of expertise, unless you indicate that you would not like us to share your contact information with them.

Please fill out your name and address, and then 'click' on each checkbox that applies. Once you hit 'submit', an E-mail will be sent to you with contact information and URLS for organizations which match your criteria so that you can explore their websites.

Thank you for your interest in drug policy reform and solutions to America's drug problems. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

-Common Sense for Drug Policy

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Updated: Thursday, 09-Jul-2009 15:21:27 PDT   ~   Accessed: 61300 times