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This advertisement appeared in the National Review, the The New Republic, the Weekly Standard, The Nation, Reason Magazine and The Progressive.

Thank you President Clinton
for finally speaking out for
drug policy reform!

In an interview published on December 25, 20001 President Clinton expressed the need for dramatic reform in drug policy.

President Clinton

Here are President Clinton's views:

Quotes from the Rolling Stone interview
with President Clinton

Let's pray George W. Bush will face up to this
important issue at the beginning of his
term in office, not the end.

For information contact Common Sense for Drug Policy,
Kevin B. Zeese, President, 3220 N Street NW #141, Washington, DC 20007
703-354-9050 or visit www.csdp.org

1Interview of President Clinton by Jann Wenner, Rolling Stone, December 28, 2000. http://www.rollingstone.com/

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