The Public Is Saying
"No More Drug War!"
A recent Ridder/Braden opinion poll in the state of
Colorado shows:1
of voters believe we should decrease criminal penalties for possession
of small quantities of drugs from a felony to a misdemeanor and
spend the money saved on prisons to increase drug treatment and
believe the current war on drugs addresses the symptoms of drug abuse
but fails to solve the underlying causes.
of Colorado voters believe we are losing the war on drugs.
A November national Zogby Poll indicated:
of the American public opposes arresting and jailing nonviolent
marijuana smokers.
oppose the use of federal law enforcement agencies to close
patient cooperatives where medical marijuana is legal
under state law.
Also, in the last three election cycles the public has approved
fourteen state wide reform initiatives!
Why won't Congress listen?
1 Ridder/Braden, Inc., July 2001. More
information: contact The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center,
POB 1156, Boulder, CO 80306, or see
2 Zogby International, December 2001. More
information contact the NORML Foundation, 202-483-8751, or see