On Sept. 23, 2002, Mike and Valerie Corral's medical marijuana hospice near Santa Cruz, CA, was raided just before dawn by federal agents. The raid sparked outrage from Santa Cruz officials because the co-op was a text book example of what CA's medical marijuana laws were supposed to allow: a safe place for the sick and dying, with a common marijuana garden, where the patients could care for each other. On April 21, US Circuit Court Judge Jeremy Fogel barred the Justice Dept. from interfering with the Corrals, their 250 fellow patients, or their marijuana garden.

This advertisement appeared in the National Review, the The New Republic, the American Prospect, The Nation, Reason Magazine and The Progressive in the spring of 2004.

This PSA is also available in camera-ready PDF.
Valerie and Mike Corral
PATIENTS TO FEDS: "Hands off our medical marijuana."
The Court agrees — it's up to the states.
On September 23, 2002, Mike and Valerie Corral's medical marijuana hospice near Santa Cruz, California, was raided just before dawn by federal agents. They were held at gunpoint while their co-op garden was destroyed.

The raid sparked outrage from Santa Cruz officials because the co-op was a text book example of what California's medical marijuana laws were supposed to allow: a safe place for the sick and dying, with a common garden, where the patients could care for each other. The city, county, and the co-op sued the federal government.

On April 21, US Circuit Court Judge Jeremy Fogel barred the Justice Department from interfering with the Corrals, their 250 fellow patients, or their marijuana garden.1 Judge Fogel cited Raich v. Ashcroft, the recent Ninth Circuit decision that found the federal government has no jurisdiction over patients who grow their own plants.2

The latest government study says, "cannabinoid drugs might offer broad spectrum relief not found in any other single medication."3 A Time-CNN poll shows that 80 percent of Americans support medical marijuana for the seriously ill.4 Isn't it time for the federal government to catch up with science and the people?5
www.CommonSenseDrugPolicy.org, www.DrugWarFacts.org, www.MedicalMJ.org
Mike Gray, Chair; Robert Field, Co-Chair
717-299-0600 -- info@csdp.org
1. Santa Cruz v. Ashcroft, C-003-1802JF; 2. Raich v. Ashcroft, 9th Cir No. 03-15481; 3. "Marijuana and Medicine," Institute of Medicine, 1999; 4. Time, Nov. 4, 2002; 5. To help, contact Americans for Safe Access, www.SafeAccessNow.org, 888-929-4367, or WAMM, www.wamm.org, 831-425-0580.